Just when I think I'm out they pull me back in...
Davey Does Politics
Dave's got something to say...

Back in the eighties, old Silyvester The Cat Megadave was full of piss and vinegar.
And Heroin.
He spent his days railing against Metallica, society, Metallica, authority, Metallica, the Regan era, Metallica, God, Metallica... you get the picture, he was one angry douchebag, but this was kind of endearing at times really.
Sure he couldn't pen as good a tune as Metallica, and the whole camp of one or the other was a bit pantomime, but I for one loved the fire that burned inside the flame haired whine machine and you cannot doubt some of the epic songs he produced on Peace Sells..., So Far..., Rust..., Countdown..., even Youthanasia.
At some point between donning a plaid shirt and writing shit like 'Crush 'Em' Megadave had a spiritual awakening and found Jesus. Apparently Jesus doesn't like drunken, angry, smackheads who sing about black magic rituals so he cleaned up his act and got back to being political.
Okay so fair enough, I'm not suggesting that for me to like an artist they need to be angry and high as a kite (*cough Trent Reznor*), but I think Dave said he preferred Aerosmith when they were on drugs - well touché Silvester, tou-fucking-ché...
Recently Megadave and JuniorDave (reunited and newly God bothering bassist Dave Ellefson) have done nothing but hack on about how they want a Republican in the White House and how they are Christian.
Great.. That's wonderful!
I had a foot infection once and I don't keep going on about it because it has nothing to do with anything you are about.
'We talk about Jesus, because people keep asking us' - JuniorDave
Well tell them to fuck off with their irrelevant questions, talk about your fucking music would ya? That's what you are there to push!
And then the crowning turd in the water pipe was last week when MegaDave was interviewed by Josh Kerns for Sunday's episode of "Seattle Sounds", which airs on on Seattle's KIRO 97.3 FM radio station.
When asked if he supports gay marriage, Mustaine said, "Well, since I'm not gay, the answer to that would be no."
Dave was then questioned if he would support legislation to make marriage between a man and another man legal. He replied, "I'm Christian. The answer to that would be no."
Now I appreciate that it's a set up news story, but honestly who the fuck appointed this guy the moral guardian of American?
Republicans, opposing gay rights... get your pitchforks and torches here comes Daaavvvvvveeee!
Whatever happened to the guy who sang Peace Sells and Devil's Island or even I Ain't Superstitious?
I'll be sure to look out the lyrics on the album after your Iraq/Iran invading, Israeli supporting republican head of state is next elected.
It is this kind of half baked bullshit statements that led Hank Williams III to comment to TMZ.com that most musicians, including his own dad, are "not worthy" of a political discussion.
Save it for the cross burning, Adolf.
Larz sayz 'Youz Are All Stoopidz'
Larz reacts to continued hatred of Lulu

Sure, it's easy to tell when everyone's least favourite Metallicat has his mouth open as he is usually talking around his foot... I have tried to keep away from the contentious issue of how a once great band could continuously vomit out at least fifteen years of crap and still sell out stadiums at the drop of a hat, but sure enough the Tubby Tub Thumper was back in the meeja this week trying to act all cool on the subject of Lulu, like a teenage boy trying to impress a girl from the other side of a disco hall.
The summation?
Well get this,
'Listen, there are some very, very, very hardcore metal fans out there that like everything pre-packaged in a particular little box that looks like this, and the minute that you slightly veer outside of that, then they have a hernia.' And that's fine — I'm fine with that. People have to understand, and I think I've been saying this for the better part of 30 years now... And I understand that there are some people that resent that, because they want METALLICA to kind of just do what they want METALLICA to do'
So there we have it last - month it was 'the people he respects and listens to tell him it's great' and now it's not successful because you and I are all a bunch of narrow minded fuckfaces who wouldn't know art or good music or what have you if it bit you on the bum.
So there nerr, Lars is right and 'In about 900 years from now, people will be able to talk about 'Lulu' face to face with each other without hiding behind masks. So we look forward to that day.'
Let me pause a minute to wipe the tears of laughter from my keyboard there Mr Ulrich...
Right, I'll take your accusation, I CAN be extremely narrow minded when I want to be, I'm not, as a glance at my music collection would reveal, but that aside if I represent the very, very, very hardcore fan what about my friends? What about my acquaintances? What about Joe Public?
Let me make this clear I don't know ANYONE who likes Lulu and the piss in the ocean amount it has sold would suggest that I am really, really, really not alone in this - Christ you got a reaction out of Tom Araya over it and that guy is so laid back fronting Slayer he's like a lounge act compare these days.
So Lou Reed had his feelings hurt?
So Fucking What? (eh? eh!?!) Judging by the last couple of album reviews he got he should be used to people calling him out on making crap AND it's the same with you lot.
I'm not slating Lulu because it's different or not Metallica - I have put up with 'Tallica for 19 years now in place one of my favourite bands when you decided you were bigger than metal - I'm slating it because it's fucking awful.
The fact that Lou reed can't be arsed with more than three takes, the fact that you guys clearly didn't finish the music (but what's new there eh?) is the issue here and you clearly have your head up your ass to be so blind.
I'm not wearing a mask, I'll talk to anyone - I'll talk to you! - face to face without hiding behind a mask and to paraphrase departed hero Bill Hicks:
Quick capsule review: Piece of shit. Thank you. If you see a piece of shit don't be afraid to call it a piece of shit. Don't get caught up in the phoney debate of is it art or not. Call it what it is - a piece of shit.
I have to stop checking Blabbermouth for my own sanity...